Snyder County Republicans Back Trump

On Jan. 8, using her position as GOP state committee member, Pat Saylor called for the resignation and removal of our President Donald J. Trump. She claims to be a representative of the voters of Snyder County; but I can assure Ms. Saylor that she is very mistaken. President Trump is the first president in a very long time to work every day fighting for us the American people, truly believing in America first, pushing back daily on the globalist and corporatist from within and outside of his administration.

President Trump has been the most pro-life president that we’ve ever had, fighting for the life of the unborn, reinstating the Mexico City Policy, which restricts the use of foreign aid by not allowing (click to continue reading).

In case you missed the original article . . . Republican State Committee member Pat Saylor said President Donald Trump should be removed from office. (click to read)

Mother’s Day isn’t the same for everyone…

For some, Mother’s Day is a time of joy — when the kids pop in with gifts and flowers. For others, it means a day off from cooking and other items that normally take place on that particular day.

For a moment though, let’s remember the silent mothers. They are the ones who were at one time carrying a child and chose to end their pregnancy. They are different from those who miscarried. Those who miscarried, or could never conceive, carry grief and pain. But those who chose to end a pregnancy carry those same two emotions, yet also carry guilt and shame . . . unless. (click to continue reading)